Put us to the test!

Test the ZR directly at your location

No challenge is too big for our ZR2400 shredder, be it:

  • Household waste

  • Bulky waste

  • Commercial and industrial waste

  • NF metal scrap

  • White goods

  • E-scrap

  • And more!

Try it out yourself and experience the quality and economic efficiency of our revolutionary ZR-class first-hand. We are happy to come to your premises with our ZR shredder and process your material under real working conditions. You can, therefore, be 100% confident that you are making the right choice – no matter whether you require a static or mobile shredder.

ZR mobil ASA 2400x1600
Non-binding inquiry
Non-binding inquiry

Send us your no-obligation enquiry. We will be happy to discuss all further steps together with you.

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