UNTHA shredders make a valuable contribution to circular economy and more alternative energy sources

COP28: transition away from fossil fuels

At the UN World Climate Change Conference in Dubai, the climate targets for the coming years have now been set. The member states are being called upon to move away from fossil fuels, triple their renewable energy generation capacity by 2030 and promote energy efficiency. However, ideas and targets for phasing out fossil fuels must also be followed by action. Innovative companies and technologies are essential for this. With its shredders, UNTHA has been ensuring that waste materials are recycled in a meaningful way for over 50 years. The Austrian premium manufacturer's innovative technology is used to process waste for recycling and thermal utilisation – as an alternative to fossil fuels.


The UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai 2023 took place from 30 November to 13 December 2023. Around 70,000 participants from all over the world took part. The overarching goal was to increase national climate protection contributions and strengthen measures to implement them, as well as efforts to adapt to climate change and climate financing.

The climate conference was extended after the first draft resolution was not adopted. On 13 December, the participants agreed on a revised version. In this version, the states did not decide to phase out fossil fuels. However, in the central final declaration, the climate conference called for the first time for a move away from fossil fuels. This should be done in a "just and orderly manner" and must be accelerated in this "crucial decade" in order to become greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. In order to achieve the necessary reduction in emissions, the global capacity of renewable energies is to be tripled by 2030 and energy efficiency is to be doubled annually. It also calls for greater reliance on zero or low-emission technologies.

There are different opinions on the results of this UN climate conference. But what is certain is that concrete measures must be taken to save our climate.

„UNTHA’s shredders make a valuable contribution to conserving valuable resources and expanding the use of alternative fuels. They shred waste materials and ensure that individual components are recycled or processed into refuse derived fuel (RDF). This conserves natural resources and reduces CO2 emissions“, says Peter Streinik, Head of Global Sales and Business Development – Recycling & Waste at UNTHA shredding technology.

Alternative fuels

Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas are only available in limited quantities and cause huge amounts of harmful CO2 emissions. UNTHA has set itself the goal of contributing to the conservation of fossil fuels and promoting the use and production of alternative energy sources such as refuse derived fuel. The Austrian premium manufacturer of shredding solutions develops and produces innovative technologies to make waste materials economically and ecologically usable. The shredders are designed for processing challenging materials and focus on energy efficiency as well as reliability. They can be used to process commercial and industrial waste, bulky waste, used tyres, rubber and many other materials. After the materials have been shredded, recyclable materials are sorted out and sent for recycling, in line with the circular economy. Non-recyclable materials are processed into refuse derived fuel (RDF) and can be converted into energy and used in energy-intensive brownfield sites and in combined heat and power plants and fed into electricity and heating networks. In this way, the most is made of waste materials – resources are conserved, and CO2 emissions are reduced.

Image for download (Reprint free of charge for press purposes, photo credits: UNTHA shredding technology GmbH): https://untha.canto.de/b/R3AE6

Image 1: UNTHA is committed to sustainable processes and environmental protection with its products, innovations and also at its company locations