

Le broyeur petit et compact pour une utilisation en menuiserie et ébénisterie

  • Faible encombrement 

  • Technique aboutie

  • Concept d'entraînement efficace en matière énergétique

  • Qualité homogène des copeaux de bois coupé

  • Des solutions système sur mesure

  • Garantie de 3 ans sans souci

LR520 Hero
WEEE - Challenges

WEEE / Electronic Waste

Specialities and hurdles

What exactly are the characteristics of electronic waste?

For the efficient shredding of electronic waste in your recycling plant, we offer you individual solutions and a perfect match for your recycling system. The size of the granulate is adjusted so that metals and non-metals can be separated and recycled in the best possible way.

Over 40 million tons of electrical and electronic scrap are generated worldwide every year - and the trend is growing rapidly! Recycling electronic devices is not only worthwhile for environmental reasons. This scrap usually contains many precious metals that are recovered in the recycling process. In order to ensure a high yield in recovery, only a small amount of fines should be produced during the shredding.

What is WEEE?

What is WEEE?

WEEE consist of many different components

But within every piece of ‘redundant’ equipment lie a number of high-value component parts that – in line with the waste hierarchy – should be liberated, segregated and recycled. It doesn’t just make environmental sense – this methodology can yield impressive business revenue too.

WEEE / Electronic Waste

The shredded and processed electronic scrap is divided into its various components by downstream separation technology in order to recover valuable materials. Our rotary shears are the first choice when careful processing of electronic scrap with little fines is required.

The product XR 3000 has surprised us in so many ways. One of them was the energy efficiency, but especially the wearout. These facts were decisive for us in the decision-making process for the certain company and the specific product. Thus, we are looking into a bright future together. The partnership with UNTHA is very important to us, whereby we have made another big order for additional shredders for our production system. We can totally recommend the company!

Paul Losbichler

DI Dr. Paul Losbichler

CEO of Schaufler Metals

Schaufler Logo
XR mobil-e
XR mobil-e
What makes the XR 2000 perfect for WEEE?

The new XR mobil-e represents a revolutionary machine concept in mobile waste shredding. The many advantages of the electromechanical drive are used without having to forego the advantages of a mobile machine. This guarantees you maximum economy and flexibility. In the following, you can find the hard facts in an overview:

What could be the solution?
The new XR series by UNTHA

The XR-Class is an extremely powerful shredder for substitute fuels, which is used either as a pre-shredder or as a single-stage processing system. It is very low-maintenance and easy to maintain and therefore enables you to have a very long service life. The XR-Class is a very economical and slow-running 1-shaft shredder and was specially developed for the coarse, medium and fine shredding of untreated household waste, industrial and commercial waste as well as for waste wood processing. The availability of spare parts for 48 hours and the option of remote maintenance ensure that your system runs smoothly!

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Breitsamer2023-Altholz Hero
XR3000RC mobil-e : très polyvalent

Le dispositif de coupe RC broie efficacement le bois de récupération ; homogène, le broyat convient au recyclage des matériaux et à la revalorisation thermique.

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Recyclage des métaux : un broyeur à forte valeur ajoutée

Chez Schaufler, câbles en cuivre, aluminium et autres doivent être broyés de manière à pouvoir être retraités sur le site.

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La meilleure dissociation des plastiques durs

Avec le broyeur XR3000C, Metran a trouvé la solution parfaite pour le broyage en une étape des plastiques durs.

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Tout-en-un : une solution de broyage unique pour les déchets de bois et les pneus

Korn Recycling mise sur les solutions qu’offre le XR3000C mobil-e de UNTHA pour le recyclage du bois usagé et des pneus.

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capacité de débit maximale
Diamètre du rotor
Taille des fractions (selon le système de coupe)
2x132 - 2x160
Puissance d’entraînement
Up to 75% less energy costs

Thanks to the innovative UNTHA Eco Drive electric drive, the energy costs are only around 75% compared to diesel-powered mobile machines.

Reliable & longstanding

The wear-free direct drive works without belts or shaft stubs and is therefore not susceptible to thermal failures.

Easy service and maintenance

A contaminant discharge system enables foreign bodies to be removed quickly and thus reduces the downtime of the shredding machine to a minimum.

Movable and flexible

The shredder can be flexibly maneuvered via radio remote control thanks to the integrated crawler chassis.

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Video summary of the project

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What is the output in the end?

Our tried and tested and reliable 4-shaft technology is particularly suitable for processing rubber and rubber waste from production. These shredders have always impressed with their high performance and, thanks to their compact design, can be easily integrated into existing systems. This means that pre- and post-shredding can take place in just a single and therefore very economical step.

We got to know the brand UNTHA due to recommendations. We are sure to have taken the right decision. As a consequence, we can definitely recommend the XR 3000C. It has revolutionized our recycling output of waste material by up to 70 %, which we would habe never been able to accomplish with another partner or shredding solution.

Paul Losbichler

André Rabeus

CEO, Otto-Rüdiger Schulze

Schaufler Logo

Video of the project

Klaus Timber is investing in the powerful LR1400
Klaus Timber is investing in the powerful LR1400

As one of the largest manufacturer of wooden pallets in the Czech Republic, Klaus Timber starts a partnership with UNTHA shredding technology.

Machine 1
The extremely robust RC cutting system

UNTHA has developed an innovative cutting geometry with improved infeed characteristics that enables a high throughput and a highly homogenous output material within the XR series.

Circuit boards
With UNTHA shredding technology, Metran gets the best out of rigid plastics compounds

The good news: Just because a Bobby Car is broken does not mean that it has reached the end of its life.

WEEE - Challenges
The world of UNTHA genius

UNTHA is giving its customers an innovative tool for monitoring the shredders.

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Unlocking the value of "hidden" metals
Unlocking the value of "hidden" metals

Peter Streinik - UNTHA´s head of global sales and business development, explains the value.

Circuit boards
The high-performing professional when it comes to metal shredding

In the XR series, UNTHA shredding technology has developed an energy-efficient, high-performance, wear-resistant and maintenance-friendly shredding system for a wie range of applications. An ideal area of use for the XR series is the single-phase shredding of metals.

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janvier 7ème 2025
10 nouvelles caractéristiques de la RS nouvelle génération

La nouvelle génération de machines UNTHA RS présente de nombreuses nouveautés, toutes conçues pour offrir aux clients encore plus de puissance, de polyvalence et d'efficacité.

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octobre 21ème 2024
Record d'embauches chez UNTHA

16 nouveaux collaborateurs ont commencé leur carrière chez UNTHA en septembre, notamment dans la gestion de produits, l'ERP et la production. Quelques apprentis ont également commencé leur formation dans le domaine de la métallurgie.

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septembre 19ème 2024
Recyclage des métaux : retour à la matière première grâce au broyage

Karl Karletshofer GmbH élargit son portefeuille de prestations à l'aide d'un UNTHA XR3000C. L'aluminium, le cuivre et les tôles de zinc, entre autres, sont broyés afin d'être réintroduits dans le cycle des matériaux sous forme de fractions de métaux purs.

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septembre 16ème 2024
Broyeur UNTHA à 4 arbres − une demande ininterrompue

17 broyeurs de la dernière génération de la classe RS de UNTHA sont déjà en production et seront bientôt livrés à des clients au Royaume-Uni, en Allemagne, en Autriche et en Turquie.

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juillet 10ème 2024
Service Waste triple sa production de CSR avec UNTHA

L'entreprise américaine Service Waste investit dans le nouvel UNTHA XR3000 et réduit ainsi de moitié les coûts de mise en décharge, triple son débit et augmente son efficacité de 50 %.

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PR Schenker Hero
juin 6ème 2024
Un broyeur UNTHA – toutes les caractéristiques importantes

Chez Schenker Industrie- und Städtereinigungs GmbH, un XR3000 mobil-e de UNTHA avec dispositif de coupe RC broie des films agricoles, des plastiques durs et du bois usagé.

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mai 16ème 2024
UNTHA dévoile une nouvelle génération de broyeurs à quatre arbres à l'IFAT

La société autrichienne UNTHA, spécialisée dans la technologie de broyage, a dévoilé une génération avancée de broyeurs à quatre arbres - la 4ème version de sa série RS, déjà réputée dans le monde entier.

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avril 3ème 2024
Solutions durables – broyeurs à haut rendement énergétique

Zuser Resource Management mise sur la technologie de broyage innovante d'UNTHA

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mars 1er 2024
UNTHA enregistre un nouveau bilan positif en 2023

Prise de commandes record de près de 98 millions d'euros, vente de plus de 400 broyeurs, extension de l'infrastructure et création d'une nouvelle filiale

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UNTHA PR Roth 1 Hero
janvier 30ème 2024
Pneus usagés : broyage, recyclage et valorisation

ROTH International shreds scrap tyres using the UNTHA XR3000C mobil-e, which produces output for pyrolysis, recycling and alternative fuel production.

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UNTHA PR Breitsamer Bild 1 Print
janvier 16ème 2024
Système de coupe RC : pré-broyage de différents matériaux

Pour le broyage de divers matériaux comme le bois de récupération, les déchets encombrants et les déchets mixtes de chantier, Breitsamer Entsorgung & Recycling GmbH utilise le UNTHA XR3000 avec système de coupe RC.

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